The Best Record Management Policy For 2023
70% of businesses need to have a record management policy. That’s not a sales pitch; that’s the law. Is your document/record management policy up to federal and provincial/state regulations? What I’m about to say might make your current situation a little more clear. ...
Streamlining Your Office: 4 Benefits Of Purging Files With SharePoint
It’s April, and the documents in your business are unorganized. Maybe you have paper files everywhere, or you’ve got tons of digital files stored in too many systems to count! If purging files this year seems like an impossible task, don’t worry; it’s not! Even...
4 Benefits of SharePoint And Why it’s better than Google Drive
What are the benefits of SharePoint? Is it worth using, is it hard to implement, and what the heck is it even? Instead of going on a long tangent, we are going to give you the straight facts and not waste your time. That’s why you’re here, right? Good, glad we got...